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Art on Whoppah

On Whoppah you buy and sell the most beautiful art, secondhand or directly from the artist. From paintings to lithographs, sculptures to bronzes. In addition to design, art is also a beautiful addition in any interior. All the art on Whoppah is curated by our specialised art experts.

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This is art on Whoppah:

Art from recognised artists.

This means artists who have been published, have been featured in art exhibitions and are known by the public. For example: Picasso, Matisse or Andy Warhol.

Upcoming artists from the academy

Student who have recently graduated from an (art) academy and are aspiring to be professionals in the art world.

Self-taught artists

Here we draw the line between hobbyists and professional artists. We do this by looking at track record, level of quality and vision.

Read more about curation rules

Sell your art on Whoppah

It is easy, it is fast and it is fun. Sell your design on Whoppah.

Read all about selling
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Whoppah curator

“The best thing about my job is that I am inspired every day by the new pieces that I see arriving at Whoppah. Nothing is more fun than discovering new talent or seeing a beautiful secondhand work back on the market. Art makes people happy and now we can share it on a large scale.”

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How to buy on Whoppah:

Place an offer

Negotiate the price and make an offer on your favorite artwork. You will find the minimum offer amount on the product page. Please note, offers are only possible if the seller allows them. You can also always buy the work immediately with the button: Buy Now

Buy now

Whoppah works with a Buy Now button. it is the price at which you immediately buy the item. This way you can be sure that you don't miss out on your favorite work.

Read all about shipping item on Whoppah

Frequently asked questions

Want to know more about selling on Whoppah?

Visit our Selling page to learn all about selling on Whoppah.

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